Exposed! My HUGE April Options Profits & My Secret May Strategy
My shocking April options trading results revealed (with proof!). Now discover the winning strategy I'll use to CRUSH the May intraday market!

Hello Guys. I hope you are doing well. Every month I try to write this post where I share my monthly performance and trading plan for the coming month.
Today in this blog post, I will share my April 2024 options trading performance and what would be the trading plan for May 2024.
So read this post till the last to get a clear idea about what I did in the past and what will I follow in the coming sessions.
Before we move to our next section, one thing I just want to share with you.
In stock market, nothing is permanent. Whatever you followed in the past may not work in future. You must have follow the market and make a trading plan based on the current situation and market behaviour.
If you keep this in your mind, you will adopt things quickly and when you adopt quickly, you will react quickly. It would help to manage your trades well.
And this is the only thing I learnt in my trading career that works most of the time. Which is Trade Management.
Your entry may go wrong but if your trade management is right, no one can stop you from making money in this market.
Now, trade management consists of so many things like your emotional behaviour during tough time, your decision making, your execution, etc...
We are not going deep in this today. We'll discuss this some other day but the point is: Focus more on how to manage/adjust your trade well.
Learn new things, keep your emotions away from trading and maintain decisions in your trading. These are the few advice that I want to give today.
Monthly Performance of April 2024
April month was a month of spikes. We saw spikes on both sides. It was a tough time as options sellers for us. We lose big that lowers down our overall return in April 2024.
But despite having these spikes, we managed to generate a profit of 5.3% this month. And this is acceptable. What do you say?

Compared to February and March, where we hardly made any money, April generated satisfactory results.
The reason is: that I have developed two delta-neutral option strategies (Delite & Ranger) for Nifty and BankNifty that auto-adjust based on the market behaviour.
These strategies manage to handle the market fluctuations more effectively compare to traditional fixed stoploss type rule-based strategies.
- Here is the verified P/L link: Verified P/L Link of Account 1 (Capital deployed = 15 lakh)
One thing I want to mention here: ?
Normally, I don't touch my system. Like, I don't close my position manually. And let the system follow the instructions given before. But due to these spikes, I followed the market very closely.
A few times, I manually handled the trades. Book profit and close the positions before time. I took a few manual trades also based on my trend-following setup.
This is what I said in the first section. Sometimes you have to take the system into your own hands. Money can't be made completely on automation.
A mix of both (Automated + Manually) is always preferable. That's why a basic understanding of market and pricing is required to trade in options.
I have created an Option Strategies: A Mentorship Program, where I have shared everything that is required to trade options more effectively.
From pricing to Greeks, intrinsic value to time value, implied volatility to open interest, rule-based strategies to trend following setup, strategies to their adjustment, whatever we need in our daily implementation, I have covered in this course.
So you should check it if you have passion, dedication and commitment to succeed in options trading.
Trading Plan for May 2024
Like April, I'm expecting the same volatility and fluctuations in May 2024 also.
So I will follow the same defensive approach in May 2024 also. Will follow the system and monitor it very closely. Will manage trades manually whenever required.
I will deploy major portion of my capital in the newly built "Delite & Ranger" strategies and will keep some portion in fixed stoploss type strategies.
If you need more clarification or have any questions, feel free to type in the comment box. I will try to solve based on my experience and expertise.
If you are struggling to manage your account and want to work with me on profit profit-sharing basis, you can contact me on WhatsApp.
I hope my article and blog post are adding some values in your trading journey. If you have any suggestions or feedback, do let me know in the comment box.
Have a profitable trading.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Always consult with a qualified financial professional before making any investment decisions.